Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

To everyone celebrating today - Happy Easter!

To everyone else, bear with me. Personally, I don't have plans to celebrate the holiday. Why, you ask? Well for one, I was never a religious person so it holds no special, spiritual meaning for me. Two, I have to work. But honestly? It's mostly because I find it odd that people choose to celebrate eternal life by coloring and eating eggs (one of the only two things on Earth that create life) and eating a dead animal (usually a pig or lamb).

Sorry for the blunt delivery, but I'm not one to sugarcoat anything. Plus, it's true! Think about it. I understand that people have their traditions and that they're important to them. But how about starting some new, compassionate traditions during the holidays?

A friend of mine asked me on Friday what I did to celebrate Earth Day. He was shocked when I told him, "nothing special". Then I explained that it's because I celebrate the earth every single day. I live a vegan lifestyle (which for those who haven't read my Earth Day post yet, is pretty much the greenest thing you can do)... I recycle anything and everything that can be recycled... I don't waste electricity or water... I use eco-friendly cleaning/laundry/beauty products... I avoid bottled water at all costs... And that's just to name a few!

This conversation reminded me of a disagreement I had this past Christmas with someone else. I was scheduled to work on December 25th and didn't see any reason I should take off. After all, I had plans to celebrate with my work family that day. It really seemed to bother this person way more than it bothered me (most likely because it didn't bother me at all). But it was clear that he and I see Christmas in two very different ways. He feels the only place you should be on Christmas Day is at home with your family. But I see Christmas as a season and that's exactly how long I celebrate it for! I start "celebrating" as early as October by listening to Christmas music, decorating, watching Christmas movies, baking goodies - all the while doing special things with all my loved ones.

The point I'm trying to make is that for me, there doesn't need to be one specific day for celebrating something because I already celebrate it every day of my life. One day isn't the "end all, be all" for me. I'm not saying I don't enjoy certain holidays, birthdays, and other special occasions, because I do. Perhaps it's a little differently than others do but hey, that's me.   =)

Whether today marks the 1st or 101st time you're celebrating a holiday as a vegan, or if you want some ideas on how to celebrate Easter in a more compassionate way, here are some tips:
  • Vegan chocolates, jelly beans and candies are easier than ever to find these days. Since I'm not into candy all that much I'm certainly not qualified to recommend which one's the best. But seriously? Just google "vegan chocolate" or "vegan jelly beans" and I'm sure you'll have more than enough options to choose from.
  • Instead of dyeing eggs from chickens, how about painting wooden eggs from your local craft store? I personally try to avoid using plastics but I know many people like to use plastic eggs that they can hide candy or small toys inside of. If they're being reused year after year, then hey. It definitely beats using real eggs in my book.
  • Go play in a park or take everyone on a walk (don't forget the dogs!). Do whatever you can to stop and appreciate the beautiful nature around you. Spring is full of gorgeous sights, intoxicating scents and glorious sounds. Stare at the trees budding and the flowers blooming... Smell the flowers and fresh grass... Listen to the birds singing... Enjoy the peaceful moment!
  • Plant something! Whether it's just a couple of seeds in a pot or an entire garden bed, this can be a wonderful tradition to start with your family. Spring is the perfect time to start growing most flowers, herbs, and vegetables.
  • Host an Easter brunch or dinner in your own (vegan) home.
  • If hosting isn't an option, be sure to bring one (or two, or three?!) delicious vegan dishes wherever you're going. That way, you'll not only have something to eat but you'll also introduce something new to the group.
I hope you all enjoy your day no matter how you choose to spend it!  =)

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