Monday, May 2, 2011

Misconception Monday: Vegans Only Eat Rabbit Food & Tofu

While it's true that many (perhaps most) vegans enjoy fresh vegetables, fruit, and tofu, these aren't the only things they eat. In fact, since I've become a vegan I've not only tried foods I never would have before, but wound up falling in love with them. I eat from much wider variety of foods now than I ever did when I was a carnivore (or omnivore. Potato, potahto). My palette has changed completely and only for the better. Here's a short list of the foods which are now staples in my diet that I either never tried before or liked, but didn't eat often:

Agave - A wonderful sugar substitute produced from the agave plant (also used to make tequila!). It's about 1.5 times sweeter than sugar yet has a much lower glycemic index. Usually in the form of a thin syrup or nectar, it can be used in place of sugar. Though it's perfect for baking, be sure to follow specific recipes - it can't be substituted cup for cup since it's not only sweeter than sugar, but it's a "wet" ingredient as opposed to a "dry" ingredient.

Black Beans - My first experience eating black beans (or beans of any kind) was one I'll never forget. I was at Panera Bread with a friend of mine and he ordered their Black Bean Soup. Since I was transitioning from vegetarian to vegan at the time, I thought it'd be best to at least try it since I felt the need to find new alternatives to protein. I've been hooked ever since. Now it's in my soups, wraps, dips, tacos, quesadillas, etc.

Black-eyed Peas - I don't remember what initially made me try these but I use them all the time now. They have a very mild flavor (almost no flavor to me) which allows me to add them to a variety of dishes for added protein without affecting the overall flavor of the dish.

Celery - Celery was a vegetable I never liked. Ever. All of a sudden, I'm into it. Don't ask, I can't explain it.

Chickpeas (garbanzo beans) - The first time I tried chickpeas was when I first tried falafel. Ah-maz-ing. I'll have to post the recipe...

Flax Seed - This is essential due to it's high omega-3 fatty acids and fiber content. I grind whole seeds in a coffee grinder (used specifically for this purpose - otherwise flavors will mix) and store it in an air-tight container in my freezer. You can add it to smoothies, baked goods, almost anything - and boost it's nutritional content.

Gazpacho - This is my new favorite soup. I tried it at Jaleo (read my review here) and fell in love. I was always weirded out by the fact that it was a cold soup. I'm glad I got over it because it is just fantastic.

Hummus - How do I love hummus? Let me count the ways... Haha I eat hummus at least 4 or 5 days out of the week. I dip carrots, pita chips, or anything else I can into it. There are countless flavors and varieties out there, I know. But when it comes to my hummus, I love nothing more than a traditional, creamy dip. YUM!

Peppers (any color) - Just like celery, I never found peppers appealing (unless they were hot peppers like jalapenos because I love the heat). Now I put them in my stirfrys, on my pizzas, on sandwiches, anywhere I can.

Soy/Almond/Rice Milk - I now use all three of these. They all have different flavors and thicknesses so depending on what I need it for, I use something different.

Taboulleh - My mouth waters just thinking about this now. Don't get me started on this incredible, healthy salad. Spoon some onto a bit of fresh pita and tell me that's not heaven in your mouth. Haha

Yes, I enjoy the occasional salad but it's not even close to being something I eat on a regular basis. And when it comes to tofu, well? As much as I understand why it's popular among vegetarians/vegans because it's high in protein and lacks flavor (allowing it to take on the flavors of whatever dish you put it in), I'm just not a fan. There's something about the texture and consistency that I can't get into.

So now when someone learns I'm vegan and asks the usual, "So then what do you eat? A lot of tofu and salads I bet!" I'm happy to answer back, "not even close!"

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